Noirve is my word for north star.
It’s something powerful and poetic; a light that never dulls or diminishes,
that never goes out. I bring its trueness into my life and my work,
a direction always guiding me home.

Meet Vanessa
I was actually supposed to be a baker. Surprising, right? But in the process of licking spatulas, swiping extra bread and burning pots of sugar (true story!), I started to drum up designs in my head while putting off school work to whip up logos after my cakes were iced. When I realized that more joy existed in my pen than my spatula, I started teaching myself photography and design in my leftover, late night hours.
I started slowly shifting gears. With my self-taught skill set, I rolled right into a creative agency, but soon found the design work felt more like someone else’s north star more than my own. I was building their dream, instead of mine. So I made the leap, took the risk and gambled on myself by starting a creative design studio.
For years, my days have been stacked with entrepreneurs doing exactly what I did – striking out on their own. And I couldn’t love it more. I get to come alongside influential women climbing their craft who trust me to build them a confident, meaningful brand and fresh website for the products that drive their dream life.
With a fine-tooth eye for those tiny details; a complete penchant for clean, curious design; a friendly, truly empathetic approach; and a hard-working vision that seeks collaboration with other thoughtful, tenacious women, I’m living my dream gig.
But with my husband, new baby and this purposeful San Diego studio of mine, it’s even more than that. It’s my dream life.